Saturday night went to Damansara, OverTime
Chill babe~
mine- Sex On The Beach


The famous German fresh BEER~

Their uniform look cute, right. heehee
Guys with short pant
Live band.. their's voice WOOW~!!
Thums up!!
Geuss who we saw?? OMFG~!
so surprise!!
If you watch“ The Gem Of LIfe,珠光宝气”
sure u'll know him!
HAHAHA, we're so lucky huh~!
He look soooooooo MAN!
*good shoot babe! muackx!
He was invited by OT's boss to be the speacial guest.
They sang a cantonese song.
Headed home bout 12am, cause im so hot, headache and my eyes damn red after drank that vodka. ='(
I dont know why. Hmm.. Feel so BAD!!
Sorry for the minor mistake tht night. Muackx~
A bit crowded lah. I kena tipu. =.=
BaoBei drink juice next time. Haa!
lol~ takpe.. muackss! i cant drink alcholic drinks ard. so fast red n hot. YERR!!
Bii drink for u lo~ Hee.
Y? I can drink wor.
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