Saturday, July 3, 2010

Broga Hill

Went to Broga Hill last friday. It's located at Semenyih. First time went to climbing. Was prettyexcited!! We woke up in 3am to prepared. GOSH. Reached there about 5am.

Hmmm.. the sky still very dark. We really doesn't know from where we should start our first step on. Luckily, there wasn't us only. We just followed the others. I think it's NOT hill BUT it's a mountain. MY GOD! Why so damn difficult to climb. The path road was narrow & muddy! stupid grass, mosquitoes, ants. BUT we tried our best to finished it. Fabulous! we reached! BIG claps~! haha.

Hills hidden in mist!


Where is my SUNRISE??the very very pretty 咸蛋黄?? I just saw the SUNLIGHT. very very very sad lor :'( Bf said raining season, cloudy sky so cant see it clearly.

The super duper narrow,muddy path way. Can u imagine how difficult we climbed in dark some more fulled with grasses!

""people mountain people sea"""

Is me! :D

beloved Babe KIN

US, =x

I got u, heeeee~

Don't be shy. haaahaa~continue with it.


Result of end of the day- tired,dirty,hot,thirsty,hungry,bitten by mosquitoes,muscle pain,etc

AND babe injured. :(

Climbing is a healthy activity but thankyou I think i'll not going to have second time in rest of my life.

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