Monday, July 5, 2010

Fruit Essence

BRAND’S® InnerShine® Prune Essence.

All my colleague crazy about that. "Cheap! cheap! cheap! faster go grab it!" LOLX! Each of them bought 2boxes RM84. It sound so cheap wor. I followed and bought 2boxes, BUT I really don't know will it work on me or not. Just have a try.

It is a ready-to-drink natural fruit essence. now i started to drink every night before i sleep. It comes from the fresh, natural prune essence without any added sugar. *delicious*

recently, i become a super aunt! when hear somebody say "sales, promotion, cheap". Sure i'll "where? where? where? i want !!" alamak i. Hard to control myself. Every time waste so much money on those useless stuff. ='(

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